

Street art is by no means a new idea, it’s likely as old as civilization itself. However these little musing, pictures and alike have no doubt made my life more enjoyable. Be they inane, philosophical, ironic or just plain rude, they were made to be seen.

Some will see this website as glamorizing vandalism. On the other hand it can be seen as a glimpse into the world of an obscure person, a person who has expressed themselves. Expressing ourselves truthfully is something that we as a society have become a little too afraid to do these days, purely because of what other people may think.

Think about it this way. Everywhere, all over our towns and cities, our vision is bombarded with messages. Usually pushing material goods we very often don’t need. Currently the status quo is this; the people who pay big money are able to distribute their message unobstructed, without payment you have committed an illegal act.

What people take out of these images is purely in the eye of the beholder. There is no square bit of card explaining who did it and when, and definitely not explaining its purpose, because that is for you the viewer to decide. There will also be something resembling a rant from me. I hope you excuse me for the lack of sense I make.

You, my lovely visitors can also have a little read of the rants I post alongside the photos by clicking the little ‘read more’ buttons below the photos. I have to forewarn you that the majority of the writing makes very little sense. By definition they are nonsensical but I’d still like to hear your opinions. After all, this is what this blog is about, the views of others.

If you’ve got a photo you would like to contribute you are more than welcome to send them along to


11 Responses

  1. a purpose. there’s something so curious about street art.
    the abstract lets us visit and escape our minds. let’s us stop and think, and feel something else, if just for a m.second. the knowledge that people will inevitably see it makes putting words on walls hard to resist. it’s a way to let the walls literally talk.

  2. This is actually a great idea. I’ll be on the lookout for vandalism from where I live at as well.

  3. I find the theme here interesting.
    A couple of decades ago I lived in Melbourne (Australia). The tagging, the taggers, the other “lost” souls that filled the train stations were always a wonder. My friends and I took the time to greet and chat with people of all walks of life: people in fine suits, people in shorts, people with colourful mohawks.
    I enjoyed the simple pleasure of viewing a message hastily scrawled in spray paint as the train carried us with equal haste to our destination.
    In the end, the human experience is universal. Regardless of salient riches or pauperism, the pain of a lonely soul, the calm quiet of a peaceful soul, the anxiousness of a soul yet to act on purpose… the external conditions are independent of our choices to be a humble hero or passive victim.
    Yet, a moment to observe expressions of hope, humour, rage, and despair gives us a brief glimpse into another’s heart. Exchange creates wealth. I have been enriched.

  4. love the site so far, im in Sydney and will keep an eye out for any stuff like this and send them to you. hopefully theres some out there

  5. it should be in Spanish!!!

  6. Sorry about it not being in Spanish. Maybe one day google will sort that out…hmmm

  7. Great site dude. I read a long confession written out on a bathroom stall divider the other day. It was fascinating and I wish I would have taken a picture. I’ll be on the lookout.

  8. This is great. I find this stuff completely fascinating and you have an excellent collection… I have a street art category on my own blog; it’s street art I’ve found across Jerusalem, where I live.

  9. Street Art is a powerful weapon against injustice, and, if done correctly, can even reach the unelightened.
    This piece, is remarkably timed, as I just came from turning on the t.v., while making a snack. In two minutes I saw an ad for Abilify, a powerful, and dangerous pill, that, along with all the drugs in it’s class, was developed within the last 5-7 years to treat schizophrenia. THESE DRUGS, ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS, are now approved to treat, Bi-Polar (all types), regular depression, and ADHD (50%of teens in Florida, who are on medicaid, are now given ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS).

    Where did this rash of bi-polar disease come from? How do kids now have it? Two years ago they told us it never showed up until mid-late 20’s. These drugs were not given, as first line treatments, for Bi-Polar.

    But, suddenly, everyone has one of the four forms of it?
    And, amazingly, 80% of the time, it’s sufferers have ‘Anxiety Disorder’? Often, ADHD, turns into Bi-Polar?

    I’VE BEEN THROUGH THIS MILL, OF ADHD->amphetamine->’panic attacks ensue’->ADHD & ANXIETY DISORDER->amphetamine and benzodiazepines(never take these drugs, they will destroy your life)->’panic attacks subside, for a while, but you become slowly oblivious to reality and this leads to illicit street drugs->ADHD&ANXIETY&ALCOHOLISM->add any SSRI and a trip to rehab that will do no good because it will address only the illegal drugs->ADHD&ANXIETY&ALCOHOLISM&BI_POLAR->add atypical anti-psychotics and new friend groups of other drug hazed fools=====ONE HOPELESS, SCARED, WEAK, ANGRY, CONFUSED, SLAVE.



  10. eu gosto deste manifesto!


  11. Good site to watch during a boring lecture 😉 Greetings from Poland.

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